The Longest Period during Which VIX is below a Specific Level

The VIX is very low this year with only sporadic/periodic spikes to low 20s. This give a big boost to XIV (up 75% YTD) while VXX is bleed to death (down 60% YTD). image

However, due to those sporadic spikes, almost all of my strategies haven’t performed well. In this low VIX environment, the trend following strategies tend  to sell at the best buying opportunities. It seems a buy and hold approach will outperform most strategies. I observed that although VIX spikes periodically, the maximum peak doesn’t exceed 24. If this pattern holds for a long time, say a few years , buying and holding XIV will do very well. This motivated me to crunch the data to find out what’s the longest period during which VIX is below a specific level in a row.

The results are shown in the following chart and table. It turns out the 24 is actually a significant level for VIX. There’s a big jump (doubled) from 832 to 1658 days during which VIX is below 23 and 24, respectively. I can imagine XIV will probably go to the roof during such period because VIX futures will be in contango most of the time in this low price range. It may be a good idea to just buying and holding XIV as long as VIX is below 24. 

This is also a similar jump (more than doubled) from 2197 to 4725 days when VIX level is changed from 45 to 46, which indicates 46 is a significant resistance for VIX.

It’s also surprising to see that how long VIX can be a below a level in a row. For example it can be under 13 for 115 days in a row, that’s almost half a year. The average Contango is probably about 9% / month at such low level. That means XIV will probably gain about 50% from roll yield only during such a period.

Also note that VIX can be below 24 for 1658 days in a row, that’s about 7 years in a row. I can imagine that holding XIV for the whole period will sure do extremely well.

It seems we can also assume that it’s a bull market if VIX is consistently below 24. In such market conditions, mean-reversion out-performs trend-following strategies. An idea is to buy into XIV whenever VIX spikes and sell XIV when VIX is in the bottom range. This basically confirms the idea I posted at



VIX Level Max Days Below
10 4
11 10
12 37
13 115
14 133
15 205
16 273
17 297
18 447
19 487
20 558
21 594
22 785
23 832
24 1658
25 1675
26 1713
27 1713
28 1714
29 1714
30 1714
31 1714
32 1716
33 1716
34 1718
35 1718
36 1718
37 1981
38 1981
39 2189
40 2190
41 2190
42 2190
43 2190
44 2190
45 2197
46 4725
47 4730
48 4730
49 4730
50 4730
51 4730
52 4730
53 4731
54 4732
55 4732
56 4732
57 4732
58 4733
59 4733
60 4733
61 4733
62 4733
63 4733
64 4734
65 4734
66 4734
67 4734
68 4734
69 4734
70 4739
71 4744
72 4744
73 4744
74 4744
75 4744
76 4744
77 4744
78 4744
79 4744
80 4745
81 5989
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